Storage and Network Bandwidth Optimization

Storage and Bandwidth Sensitive Backups – Parablu

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Storage and Network Bandwidth Optimization

Backups can pose a unique challenge when employees work from home. First of all, if you were using an on-premise backup solution that relied on an on-premise backup server attached to secondary storage – that arrangement is unlikely to work well now that your users are at home and unable to reach the backup server. A majority of businesses are opting to use a SaaS-based backup solution that user endpoints can connect, no matter where they are.

Once you get past the question of ‘how’ to perform backups, there is the question of ‘how much’. How much data is it practical to backup when your employees are WFH? Do you still back up their entire endpoint? What about large files, like PSTs? Can a home Wi-Fi network handle the load? There are a number of techniques that sophisticated, commercial-grade backup solutions use to solve this problem.