8 reasons why you should start backing up your business data

Why we need backup?
Data is possibly a company’s most important asset. As businesses generate ever-increasing volumes of data it becomes even more important to have a strategy – to not only store such data but also keep it accessible and safe.
Threats to data are becoming more prevalent. Phishing, ransomware, and other malicious attacks are all designed to eventually go after a business’ data assets – and in the process, may disrupt business operations and cause catastrophic financial impact. Data isn’t at risk just from external attacks. Human errors are a big contributor to the loss of vital data, not to mention natural disasters like hurricanes, floods, and fires.
It almost goes without saying that every business requires a reliable data backup and recovery solution to survive and thrive.
What should you back up?
Everything that is irreplaceable! Your data backup and recovery strategy should encompass all file types, servers, endpoints, applications, virtual machines, media storage, and data sources from snapshots to disks to cloud storage.
There are several reasons to backup
Here are 8 important ways your organization will benefit from having a comprehensive Data Backup and Recovery strategy in place:
1. Improved data protection
A number of cloud-based storage solutions and modern backup solutions boast strong security measures. In-transit and at-rest encryption, zero-trust security models, etc. can offer enhanced data protection.
2. Easy data recovery in case of disasters
Not all corporate endpoints have backup software installed. These companies risk losing their endpoint data forever in the case of a fire, a ransomware attack, or even a hardware failure.
The average cost of downtime per hour for major businesses may be as high as $163,674.
4. Automation = Efficiency and Reliability
Manual backups are unreliable, impractical, take longer, consume higher bandwidth, and consume more storage. Commercial-grade backup and recovery software can help you save space and bandwidth by reducing footprint through different mechanisms like data deduplication, compression, data filtering, and bandwidth throttling – while increasing reliability via automation.
5. Increased competitive position
Cloud backup and recovery solutions ensure higher access to business data, in addition to safeguards from attacks like ransomware. This state of constant data protection and availability offers any business an advantage over the competition and allows you to provide superior customer service.
6. Defense against ransomware
All data is a potential target and your data will always be exposed to attacks. Viruses, hackers, and malicious entities online don’t discriminate. They will target any firm, regardless of its size or industry with malicious intent. A backup is possibly the best defense against ransomware. When you have a safe and reliable copy of all your data, you control your own destiny – you just don’t need to negotiate with the attacker.
A recent industry report indicates that small businesses are the target of 43% of all cyber assaults.
Do you have specific requirements or enterprise needs?
7. Increased employee productivity
One thing is for sure. When data is lost – you lose more than just data. You lose time, and time is money. Employee productivity is directly impacted. Consider how tough it would be to operate without your mission-critical business data or deal with clients if you didn’t have access to contact information or account status. If you don’t have a recovery solution, your restoration attempts will devolve into rebuilding activities; starting from scratch again to replace what you’ve lost.
8. Protect reputation
Consider the possibility that you’ve lost irreplaceable data. What would you say to your clients if you were to explain this to them? How do you believe your clients will react? Data loss is sure to have an impact on how your clients (and the broader public) perceive your business and their relationship with you.
Data losses have a way of occurring when you least expect them. When an employee deletes crucial files or your servers crash, you never know in advance. So, waiting for a disaster to happen, in order to come up with a backup strategy – is just a bad strategy. Don’t wait. Act now!
Parablu’s BluVault
Parablu’s enterprise-class backup software – BluVault is built with a focus on protecting data for businesses. With unique and patented technology, BluVault backs up data to a secure container inside your choice of existing storage allocations. Industrial-strength encryption, data deduplication, bandwidth and storage sensitive flow-control, accompanied by data immutability – makes it a perfect modern backup solution that any organization should consider.
What’s more, if you are a Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace customer – even better! You may not need to spend a penny for storing backups!
Request a demo or email us at info@parablu.com if you’d like to learn more about how Parablu can help you adopt data backup and recovery for your company without spending on a storage solution.