Is Backup as a Service (BaaS) the answer to modern data protection and resiliency needs?


  •  Anand Prahlad, President & CEO, Parablu

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About the webinar

Effective and efficient backup of your files is necessary, but the growing volume of data and the complexity of IT networks may make it an expensive and extensive endeavor.

BaaS (Backup-as-a-Service) solutions can make it easy for any enterprise, irrespective of size, to adopt a full-featured, enterprise-class backup – something that is fully hosted and managed in the cloud. With a secondary copy of business-critical data stored off-site in the cloud, you instantly improve your ability to respond to any data loss event that threatens business continuity. Ready access to backed-up data and simple recovery not only exemplifies the ideal data protection strategy but also accelerate data resiliency and reduce the chances of penalties due to regulatory non-compliance.

According to a recent industry report the global BaaS market is estimated to grow incrementally by $14.25B between 2021 and 2025.

Plus, it takes pesky infrastructure headaches off your hands and works like clockwork each day.

But what about on-premise backups? A number of businesses still prefer to backup on-premise for several reasons such as security and regulatory compliance – but are struggling in the new world where employees are working from home.

Is BaaS the only answer? Is there a middle ground?  

Watch this webinar to explore the following topics:

  • Why do you need BaaS (Backup-as-a-Service)?
  • What are the benefits as compared to an on-premise backup solution?
  • What makes customers stick with on-premise solutions?
  • Is there a middle ground?
  • How Parablu BaaS can help

About the speakers:

Anand has over 25 years of experience building enterprise software solutions and has a unique mix of security and storage DNA. He was previously Head of McAfee’s R&D Center in India and served as Managing Director while also leading Engineering for all of McAfee’s Data Center product engineering teams as Vice President. Previously, as SVP of Worldwide Product Development at Commvault, he was part of the management team that led Commvault to a successful public offering.  Anand also claims several patents relating to storage and data management.
Anand Prahlad
CEO & President, Parablu
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